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About Us

We enjoy having top quality storage available for our clients, in a great location at a reasonable price.  Once found, our clients tend to stay with us long term as we have a long reputation in looking after our clients.

We aim to always offer an accessible, personable service.  We answer the phone and offer any advice needed to those seeking to use our self-storage facility.  We responsibly advise clients as we genuinely only want our clients to be in the self-storage size they need.  We are a privately owned business, not a chain. We get to know our clients personally.  


​Our Business & File Rooms Clients include
Solicitors, Accountants, Engineers, Architects, General Businesses, Schools, Medics, Archivists, Book Collectors, others.  

Our Residential clients include many residential clients who need a little extra space and residential clients moving house.

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We are  ALWAYS  in the building ready to greet you or take goods in for you on your behalf when you are not there.  You’re free to visit your unit, to view, deposit or collect items, as often as you require, during our opening hours.


Feel free to phone me if there is any further information you require or if there is any other way we can help you.


Thank You

Stephen Kelly

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